
Sourcing & buying stock is one of my biggest and most enjoyable priorities within my business.

Love at First Sight Vintage stock is sourced locally in the midlands, as it is most sustainable and supports my community, however I have sought out vintage supply around the world while on my travels and will sniff out the nearest vintage wherever I go.

Behind the Scenes

Buying in this industry often isn’t glamorous! I am no stranger to the dark, 5am hunt for treasure at a European flea market, or a rummage through a huge pile of people’s dirty unwanted junk, I’ll even rock up to a rag house and simply ask to put on some high vis and check out their stock.


I hand-pick every single one of my items with quality, condition, and my consumer in mind. I have extensive fashion history knowledge and experience with dating and authenticating vintage pieces, but also keep up to date with current and future trends to maximise sales potential.