Printed Publications


  • To investigate the relationship between fashion and identity through exploring fashion history, visual semotics, primary research, and data visualisation.

    The aim was to explore individual fashion obsessions, and work together as a team to harmoniously compile our findings creatively into an exhibition piece, we chose to publish a zine.

  • Individuals with a strong sense of identity were styled in opposing outfits to gain an understanding of how what they wear impacts the way they feel and how they express themselves.

    We discovered that for some, experimenting with different styles can unlock an alter ego, whereas for others, it causes discomfort and frustration. This process, and their reactions, were captured in this zine.

  • Created in collaboration with Jose Jenkins, Bex Baddiley-Davidson and Corer Carroll-Head.

    Models: Felicity Edmonds, Elizabeth Pearson, Mikhalis Webster-Iacovou, Dalia Berinde, Sonny Patterson, George Branson & Erin Wilson

Love Letters

  • To collate a series of sentimental stories from fashion-loving contributors into a zine to highlight the beauty of pre-loved clothing and the memories we attach to our garments.

  • Love Letters is printed on high quality paper, and textured silk scarves make up the background of each page. The zine features stories, poems and illustrations from contributors which are written as love letters to their special pieces.

  • The beak book folds in to a mini zine, and folds out into an A3 poster. The narrative follows the journey of a vintage handbag, from the lady who first purchased it, and the four others who have later found it second hand and passed it on to the next owner- once again romanticising the beautiful nature of previously-loved items.